| Star Ocean 2 The Second Story | Приемы и магия даны примерно на 90%,некоторые остались за кадром. Прецис и Опера могут делать новые Киллер Моувы с помощью скилла Machinery (например Healing Star) | Claude Kennie | Killer Moves: Phase Gun, Air Slash, Shooting Stars, Twin Slash, Head Splitter, Ripper Blast, Burst Knuckle, Energy Sword, Dragon Howl, Sword Bomber, Mirror Slice. | Talent: Sense of Design,Writing Ability, Love of Animals, Sense of Teste, Dexterity. | Rena Lanford | Spells: Heal, Cure Light, Cure All, Antidote, Dispel, Silence, Deep Mist, Haste, Delay, Energy Net, Growth, Protection, Press, Gravity Press, Ray, Light Cross, Tractor Beam, Fairy Heal, Anti, Raise Dead, Star Flail, Angel Feather, Fairy Light. | Talent: Originality, Sense of Teste, Dexterity, Love of Animals, Writing Ability, Sense of Rhythm, Sense of Design, The Blessing of Mana. | Celine Jules | Spells: Firebolt, Eruption, Thunderbolt, Thunderstorm, Wind Blade, Energy Arrow, Ray, Starlight, Lunar Light, Mind Absorber, Southern Cross, Forget, Reflection, Neutral, Curse, Bless, Thundercloud, Anti, Explode, Angel Feather. | Talent: Originality, Dexterity, Sense of Design, Writing Ability, Pitch, The Blessing of Manna, Sitxth Sense. | Bowman Jean | Killer Moves: Spirit Attack, Secret Medicine, Poison Pills, Pillory, Firibird Attack, Death Siege, Whirlwind Fist, Burst Fist, Explosion Pills, Sakura Attack. | Talent: Writing Ability, Love of Animals, Sixth Sense, Sense of Design | Leon Geeste | Spells: Wounds, Word of Death, Shadow Bolt, Ice Needle, Deep Freeze, Black Saber, Acid Rain, Deep Mist, Protection, Starlight, Delay, Shadow Flare, Haste, Growth, Noah, Gremlin Lair, Daemon's Gate. | Talent: Sense of Teste, Writing Ability, The Blessing of Manna. | Noel Chandler | Spells: Wind Blade, Tetanus Wind, Sonic Saber, Magnum Tornado, Grave, Earth Grave, Energy Arrow, Mind Absorber, Heal, Cure Light, Silence, Cure All, Bless, Neutral, Blood Sucker, Foehn, Fairy Heal, Dispel,Curse | Talent: Originality, Sense of Rhythm, Love of Animals, The Blessing of Manna. | Precis Neumann | Killer Moves: Rocket Punch, Hop Step, Mole, Ally-oop!, Parabola Beam, Bang-bang Attack, Bloody Mary. | Talent: Dexterity, Sense of Design, Writing Ability, Love of Animals. | Opera Vectra | Killer Moves: Photon Prison, Flame Launcher, Alpha on One, Spread Ray, Cold Wind, Gravity Shell, Lightning Blade, Healing Star. | Talent: Originality, Dexterity, Sense of Design. | Ernest Raviede | Killer Moves: Dimension Whip, Spiral Whip, Arc Attack, Thousand Whip, Cloud Dust, Broken Heart, Thunder Whip, Sonic Whip. | Talent: Dexterity, Sense of Design, Sense of Rhythm, Love of Animals, Sense of Teste, Writing Ability, Sixth Sense. | Dias Flac | Killer Moves: Air Slash, Chaos Sword, Cross Wave, Crescent Wave, Gale Stab, Crescent Moon Flash, Hawk Scream Blast, Full Moon Slash, Illusion, Firebird Shock Wave. | Talent: Originality, Sense of Teste, Dexterity, Pitch, Sense of Design. | Chisato Madson | Killer Moves: Twister, Burning Cards, Whirilwind, Ten Thousand Volts, Flame Thrower, Rising Dragon, Tear Gas, Preparation. | Talent: Writing Ability, Love of Animals, Sense of Teste, Sense of Design. | Ashton | Killer Moves: ????? | Talent: ????? |