Sword: |
Blacktongue Bastard Sword |
2 hand damage 20-28 Durability 200 Prevent Monster Heal Poison Resist 50% Adds 4-18 Poison Damage - 10 to Life
Soulflay Claymore |
2 hand damage 16-34 Durability 250 4% Life stolen per Hit 9% Mana stolen per Hit Enhanced Damage All Resistance + 5
Blood Crescent Scimitar |
1 hand damage 3-8
(4-11) Durability 110
15% Increased Attack Speed
15% Life Stolen per Hit + 4 to Light Radius
+ 60% Enhanced Damage
33% Chance of
Open Wounds All Resistances + 15 + 15 to Life
The Patriarch Great Sword |
2 hand damage 38-63 Durability 250 Hit Blinds target Damage reduced by 3 Magic damage reduced by 3 100% Extra gold from monsters
Bloodletter Gladius |
1 hand damage 43-108
Durability 24
10% Slower Stamina Drain
8% Life stolen per Hit
+190% Enhanced Damage
+90 to Attack Rating
Adds 20-45 Fire Damage
20% Increased Attack Speed
Gleamscythe Falchion |
1 hand damage 7-15
+ 94% Enhanced Damage
Adds 3-5 Cold Damage Durability 160 (32) +
3 to Light Radius + 20 to Defense +
30 to Mana Increased Attack Speed
Increased Attack Speed)
Rixot's Keen Short Sword |
1 hand
damage 7-8 Durability 120 25%
Chance of Crushing Blow 20% Bonus to
Attack Rating + 2 to Light Radius
+ 25 to Defense + 5 to Minimum Damage
Gulwen's Point War Sword |
1 hand damage 8-20 Durability 220 Poison Lenght reduced by 50% Faster Block Rate Faster Hit Recovery + 1 to All Skills + 60 to Attack Rating
Skewer of Krintiz Saber |
1 hand
damage 6-13 Durability 160 Ignore
Target's Defense 3% Mana stolen per
Hit Enhanced Damage + 10 to
Dexerity + 10 to Strength
Griswold's Edge Broad Sword |
1 hand damage 7-14
(16-31) Durability 160
(32) Adds 9-13 Cold Damage
(11-17 Fire Damage) + 40 to Attack Rating (+100)
Slightly increased Attack Speed Knockback
+ 12 to Strenght
Azurewrath Crystal Sword |
1 hand damage 8-23
(12-32) Durability 50
(46) 30% Deadly Strike
(50%) Adds 3-6 Cold Damage
Adds 5-10
Magic Damage 10% Better Chance of getting magic
+ 100%
Enhanced Damage
Kinemil's Awl Giant Sword |
2 hand damage 9-28 Durability 250 Adds 6-12 Fire Damage + 45 to Attack Rating + 20 to Mana
Hellsplague Long Sword |
1 hand damage 3-19
(6-34) Durability 220
(44) 5% Life stolen per Hit 5% Mana stolen per Hit Adds 28-56 Poison Damage
Adds 25-75 Fire Damage
+ 72% Enhanced Damage
+ 2 to Fire Skills
Shadowfang Two-Handed Sword |
2 hand damage 8-17
(18-36) Durability 220
(44) - 2 to Light Radius 5% Mana stolen per Hit (9%)
9% Life stolen per Hit Cold Resist 20% Adds 5-10 Cold Damage
100% Enhanced Damage